The Impact of Spoken Messages on Healthcare Practice Success
Expert Insight - Journal of Communication (2023)
"Research shows that narrative messages, whether live or recorded, tend to have a greater persuasive effect than non-narrative text. A meta-analysis found that narrative communication, even in delayed assessments, retains stronger persuasive impacts on attitudes, intentions, and behaviors compared to non-narrative messages such as plain text."
Expert Insight - Frontiers in Psychology (2023)
"Studies indicate that audio-based communication, including recorded messages, can invoke stronger emotional engagement and cognitive responses compared to plain text. The voice, through prosody (intonation, pitch, and rhythm), can enhance the listener's focus and retention of information, making it more effective for persuasion and educational purposes than static text."
Expert Insight - Cyberpsychology Journal (2023)
"Although live conversations are often considered the most engaging, recorded audio messages are still shown to outperform plain text in terms of emotional connection and persuasiveness. Video, which combines both visual and auditory stimuli, may have an edge in engagement, but recorded voice messages still hold significant persuasive power, particularly when the goal is to communicate empathy or urgency."
Expert Insight - Journal of Communication (2023)
"When considering long-term behavioral change, narrative-based recorded messages have been found to be more effective than plain text. For instance, a study found that persuasive narratives in audio form impacted behaviors over time more effectively than similar text-based messages."
Expert Insight - Current Psychology (2023)
"Recorded messages, when compared to written content, are often perceived as more personal and trustworthy. Consumers tend to trust audio communication more, which can increase conversion rates in sales contexts. This is especially true in situations where establishing trust is critical to the success of the interaction."